My Pledge


Peace Pledge
The power of words cannot be under- estimated. Words reinforced with actions not only shows of one’s commitment but it is also a binding 'oath'. Here is a pledge, a pledge against Negative Ethnicity, a pledge for a Kenya where tribe is not a determining factor, a pledge for a United Kenya.

I .............................................................of ID Number.......................................DECLARE THAT:

1.     My tribe is not superior to the other tribes in Kenya.
2.     I will not be an agent of violence, intimidation or even violence between different ethnic communities, races, clans and religious groups.
3.     I will not incite feelings of contempt, hatred and hostility, discrimination against any person on the basis of their ethnicity, race or religion.
4.     I will appreciate the diversity and participation by all ethnic communities in the social, economic, cultural and political elements of a better Kenya.
5.     I pledge to promote free and constructive political debate, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and tolerance of varied opinion, beliefs and aspirations of the Kenyan people.
6.     I pledge to join hands with like-minded Kenyans, regardless of their ethnic background, to promote value driven agendas that will help build a cohesive, inclusive and peaceful Kenya.
7.     I pledge to put down my personal interests that are pegged on my ethnic bearing and to uphold understanding and fairness without regards to the other person’s tribe or ethnic clan.
I commit to put the service of my country before self and before my tribe.

